Distant Field is making waves...

Scroll down to find an archive of articles and interviews about Black Forest, Sleepwalking, and everything else we've been up to in the Field.

Distant Field on Radio....Black Forest Premiere, Northern Frights Tour, and assorted Gems.
(Recorded Jan. 28, 2015)
Always a pleasure chatting about film with legendary DJ Bobby Alexander! So take a load off, pour a drink and have a listen, sit a spell with Distant Field.
(Recorded Jan. 28, 2015)
Always a pleasure chatting about film with legendary DJ Bobby Alexander! So take a load off, pour a drink and have a listen, sit a spell with Distant Field.
Distant Field goes Country!
Thanks to Thomas Dowswell, host of "Spirit of Country" on Cottage Country Radio! Thomas invited us on the show to discuss our upcoming feature, Sleepwalking, and to learn more about the soon-to-be-released Black Forest! Be sure to check out Thomas' show every Monday at 6:30 pm! Until then, listen to our segment on the left! |

Distant Field Productions on CTV!
Thanks to Lyndsay Moggy and everyone at CTV Sudbury for supporting our upcoming film, Sleepwalking. Lyndsay put together an amazing piece, and if you missed it, you can watch it here! Or click CTV's logo on the left!
(Original air date January 31, 2014.)
Thanks to Lyndsay Moggy and everyone at CTV Sudbury for supporting our upcoming film, Sleepwalking. Lyndsay put together an amazing piece, and if you missed it, you can watch it here! Or click CTV's logo on the left!
(Original air date January 31, 2014.)
Thanks to Callam Rodya, who was kind enough to host us on his show, Crater. It airs Thursday nights on CKLU 96.7, so be sure to
tune in! Support independent radio! The interview is on the left, an audio file disguised as a movie. Have a listen, and hear all about our upcoming feature Sleepwalking, and the soon to be released Black Forest! (Original air date ~ January 23, 2014) |

Thanks to Bob Alexander and everyone at Moose FM for having us back to talk about our projects! It's always a good time at the most rockin' studio in Elliot Lake!
Support local radio!!!!
The interview is located below, listen loud!
(Original air date~ January 20, 2014.)
Support local radio!!!!
The interview is located below, listen loud!
(Original air date~ January 20, 2014.)
CBC Radio Morning North Interview

On Tuesday, June 12, I had the great privilege of being Markus Schwabe’s guest on CBC radio’s Morning
The interview is online. If you’re in the mood, why not have a listen? If you’ve already heard it, pour yourself a drink and re-live the moment. Sounds like a fine time.
Hear all about Black Forest…the scariest movie ever made! Coming soon to a nightmare
near you…just click the button below. I know you want to!
The interview is online. If you’re in the mood, why not have a listen? If you’ve already heard it, pour yourself a drink and re-live the moment. Sounds like a fine time.
Hear all about Black Forest…the scariest movie ever made! Coming soon to a nightmare
near you…just click the button below. I know you want to!
"Film director to use Elliot Lake in horror film"

Thanks again to Shannon Quesnel of the Elliot Lake Standard for taking the time to write such an amazing story. Everyone involved with Black Forest appreciates your work! The piece is still archived, just click the button below.
"Local teacher to be featured in independent film"

Thanks to Margreat Davis of the Mid-North Monitor for this wonderful article. The button below will lead you to the archived piece.
Special thanks to Moose FM

A special thanks to Bobby Alexander and Kori Rowe for having me on their morning show on September 25 and again on October 2. We had a great chat about Black Forest, and although the shows have not been preserved for posterity, rest assured, it was talk radio at its best!